Monday, December 5, 2011

HARLEM, NEW YORK. WAATSI - Sage doll making workshop participated in a Sesame Workshop sponsored - Literacy event in Harlem, NY. This was a FREE event with 100's of kids from 2 to 13 years making as many Sage dolls as they wished. To read about our event on Saturday, December 3, 2011 visit:
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- Sage
- Since the year 2000, a friendly plush doll named Sage was invented to spread their message of peace and solidarity through books, digital stories and doll-making workshops.
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FROM" "... We ventured to the second floor for the Sesame Workshop and Sesame Reads activities. The room was decorated with banners that read: “Reading is Succeeding” “Books Open Doors to Discovery” “Read Every Day!” “Knowledge is Power.” We were invited to participate in the “We Are All the Same Inside” activity. The facilitator, Ms. Jayne A. Pierce, is a retired New York Public Library librarian, a poet and writer. Ms. Pierce is a friend of “We Are All the Same Inside” author Timothy Bellavia. Mr. Bellavia is also the author of “Paper, Scissors and Magic: Seven Ways to Get Kids to Love Books.” According to Ms. Pierce, “We Are All the Same Inside” is used as an anti-bullying tool and helps readers explore and appreciate differences. The book has been translated into Spanish. Brianna was given a paper doll to color and dress, and Ms. Pierce showed me some of the dolls created by other children, who were asked to make dolls of their favorite peacemakers. Some of the dolls included Oprah Winfrey, Mahatma Gandhi, U2’s Bono, and Mattie Stepanek". December 2011
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