Friday, October 1, 2010

Dear WAASTI follower(s):

Although I am just a alien being (an inanimate stuffed doll at that) it still stings me to my poly fiber core to read that within the past week five precious lives have left earth in an untimely way - due to school teasing, taunting and unnecessary on-campus activity and trauma.

What can earthlings learn from this? Can't we see value in all lives, beliefs, religions, creeds, genders, orientations, values, and even learn from some attitudes that totally differ from our own?

... With human spirit it is time to rebuild.
ALL Children's hopes must be fulfilled.

Love and compassion are the only solution,
to keep this planet away from confusion.

Dear earthing sisters (and brothers) its is truly time to come and abide,
Help teach earthlings-WE ARE ALL THE SAME INSIDE.

Signed at the end of this this virtual page.
With respect and love, SAGE


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Since the year 2000, a friendly plush doll named Sage was invented to spread their message of peace and solidarity through books, digital stories and doll-making workshops.
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